Saturday, May 27, 2006

My first (& favorite) Mod - Sentinel

Alan Scott from Rookie Hal GL with Doc Fate's cloak and a bit of modding

Friday, May 26, 2006

Unposted Post now Blogged

From HRC 26/5/2006 12.07
Story 1) This past sunday in a draft I had madness. my last action i roll double 6s he was like nooooooo me i was nooooo. he looked at me and I said softly madness.
story 2) I had a solid 7 that i needed to roll. with two pcs in sight. so i perplexed my damage and took a shot. missed with a 6 rerolled missed with a 6 rerolled again and yet another 6. creepy and cool but man that was no right

I am in a writing class so I feel compelled to write something, I thought I would be replying to the forum post but I just cannot be succinct. It's such a flaw...

Those stories were too cool. My dice rolling is just lame. I play seldom but when I do I want to field the groovy hero types guys I have read about over the years, who all translate into (technically) effective Heroclix pieces: from Legacy E&V Batman to Vampire Batman, E Moonknight, V Doc Strange, V Ult Black Widow, E Black Cat, V Nightwing, KC Red Robin, V Ult Scarlet Witch, V Pyro, V Cage, U (Shield) Wolverine, V Dr Mid-Night,V Domino, V Magma, or R Hal Green Lantern (and I have 3 of them - 1 modded to Alan Scott, another to Guy Gardner).

They seldom walk off the map, when I lose I tend to lose most of my models if not everything... and I dont win that much competetively. I read up on strategies if I can. I try and listen to what players say and try (oh, but the pain...) and remember what happens to my models when I mess up (lots to remember) on the table or when my opponent does something particularly cool (so I can do similar later, maybe). My die rolls are inconsistent and pretty lame. Not memorable, without any related classy story.

MY STORY is different as it focuses on the coolest (but still a little tragic) win I remember having - in Burwood (Sydney Australia). The game was a competetive "House Rules" Unrestricted Event type thing with a team that had to be a "family" - couple, kids etc. So I field the DC Scott family, KC Green Lantern (I play seldom, I have him... he is doomed) for Alan and the kids were V Obsidian and R Jade to make the points. It was the first game of 3 (I think) and my opponent took a Superman of the future themed family with KC Superman and a Wonderwoman (I think) RorE of some type. Whatever it was it was KC Superman+ and like, I was petrified.

He comes in flying, I shoot him (Obsidian Psychic Blast? cannot remember) and I do hit! and he misses KC GL... there's some pushing but GL gets hit early for 6... Obsidian is whacked down a little as there is some Hypersonic slapping of the Scotts... its all hazy now but the whole point is that KCGL is standing there towards the middle of the game with a defence of 14 (with trusty anti-KC Superman Willpower) and Superman is hypersonicing in with an AV of 10 (with an object, I think... but he does not need the object) and he rolls double 1. I am gobsmacked... my opponent is in a state of disbelief - we both saw opposing KC models as a challenge, I am sure, but the scene was not panning out right.

From this point I get some decent rolls in (but the magic was not mine). KC Supes gets hit, hits GL I am pretty sure to his last click but after the damage from the double 1 - losing hypersonic and INV, Supes gets ko'd and the Scotts, though scratched up bad, face a clicked down Wonderwoman being run by my thoroughly devastated and shellshocked opponent.

I dont feel proud but I do remember a high for the day, even though it was because my opponent's outrageously bad luck at just the right time opened a window of opportunity that led to me keeping all my models and taking all his and after 2 fairly mediocre wins, on my part, I win the event and the LE ends up being Jennifer Lynn Haydn (Jade).

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Heroclix - Sydney, Australia @ SGC

This is the game I try and make (not that I can)... for convenience (Burwood is at the centre of metropolitan Sydney so the game drags in a diverse group of the keen), timing and a real blast with a friendly and competetive group of players. Seriously fun. The smile and don't cheat signature pretty much sums up SGC. These guys are solid, check them out.

Weekly Heroclix at Sydney Games Centre!

Where: The Sydney Games Centre
Level 1, 195a Burwood Rd
Burwood 2134 P:97153229
When: Each Sunday arvo. 1.30pm rego, 2pm start
Format: Changes wildly every week. Check our website or email/call before the day. Format suggestions are welcomed
Entry: $5 for constructed, which is most of the time. Marquees/sealed events $35, they'll be heaps of notice given for those events
Prizes: LE's plus cracked packs up as prizes, so everyone gets something. The best prize is a fun arvo playing clix with a great bunch of people, and having fun doing it

______________Smile and don't cheat

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hmmm, how long will it take...

... less than a month. I thought I could trade for it (or a Purple Ring to pass on) but this just did not happen (makes sense). Oh well, Mel pulled one in the Sinister Sealed on July 9th and his colours are rather different. Instead of Dark Blue/Electric Blue he is Black and Silver (Yay!). Lucy is proudly holding him in the pic from the July 15 post (SECURED... and in good hands).

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

BB's Trade List as of July 10 2006

I am in Australia and have traded very smoothly to the States (and Oz). I am pretty flexible, I think. Mutual gratification is my aim.

Models are listed in the manner I store them. I tried to make the Us and LEs stand out but it should be easy enough to navigate through.

Regards all,


LE Nova
LE Parallax
LE Brunnhilde
LE Betsy Braddock
LE Batman Dark Knight Detective

#02 Hydra Technician E
#04&06 Shield Trooper R&V
#08 Swordsman E
#12 Hydro Man V
#15 Trapster V
#23 Beetle E
#24&26 Wizard R&V
#42 Mach 4 V
#47&48 Valkyrie E&V
#51 Madrox V
#52 Deathlok R
#55 Falcon R
#58-60 Spider-Man RE&V
#63 Radioactive Man V
#64 Captain Marvel V
#70 Whizzer R
#72 Speed Demon V
#73&74 Daredevil R&E
#77 Meggan E
#79&81 Bullseye R&V
#84 Kraven V
#85 Forge U
#86 Purple Man U
#87 Maximus U
#89 Charcoal U
#91 Nick Fury U
#92 Arkon U
#95 Stilt-Man U
B005 (Lockheed)
B006 (Dallas O'Riordan)
F001 Pummel
F002 Knockdown
F003 Entangle
F004 Heightenend Reflexes

#61 Emerald Empress E
#66 Dr. Light V
#72 Red Tornado V
#81 Mary Marvel V
BF001 (Debris)
F002 (Flashbang)
F005 (Movethrough)
S005 (Aerial Baffler)

#96 Magneto U
BF003 (Isolation)

#87 Armin Zola U
F005 (Double-Time) [/COLOR]



Aquaman E Hy#053
Aquaman V Hy#054
Aquaman V Ic#027
Black Canary CJ#035
Blue Beetle E Hy#056
Booster Gold E Hy#056
Elongated Man R CD#040
Fire V CD#027
Firestorm E CJ#068
Flash R Hy#103
Flash E Hy#104
Green Arrow E CJ#038
Hawkgirl V Unl#018
Hawkman R CJ#0231
Huntress V Hy#027
Impulse E Lg#029
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Martian Manhunter U CJ#085 (Glued to base)[/U][/COLOR][/B]
Maxima E Unl#074
Plastic Man E Hy#101
Plastic Man V Hy#102
Power Girl E Lg#026
Rocket Red E Unl#035
Superman E Ic#047
Superman V Hy #111
Wonder Woman E Ic#032
Wonder Woman V Ic#033
Zatanna E CJ#056

Black Adam E Unl#080
Black Canary R CJ#w034
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Crimson Avenger U CD#087[/U][/COLOR][/B]
Dr.Fate E Unl#071
Dr.Midnight E CD#023
Dr.Midnight V CD#024
Hawkgirl E Unl#017
Hawkman V Hy#033
Hourman R Lg#013
Hourman E Lg#014
Jade R Lg#055
Mr.Terrific E #017
Mr.Terrific V #018
Obsidian R Lg#052
Power Girl R Lg#025
Stargirl V Lg#021
Star Spangled Kid E Lg#020

Beast Boy R Ic#010
Beast Boy V Ic#011
Changeling R Hy#064
Changeling E Ic#011
Changeling V Hy#066
Cyborg R Unl#052
Cyborg E Unl#053
Cyborg V Unl#054
Dove V Hy#090
Green Lantern R CD#049
Hawk E Hy#086
Jessie Quick E Unl#068
Raven E Unl#065
Raven V Unl#066
Raven R Ic#028
Raven V Ic#030
Robin V Ic#015
Speedy R Lg#040
Starfire V CJ#063
Starfire R Ic#023
Starfire E Ic#024
Starfire V Ic#025
Troia R CJ#040
Troia E CJ#041
Troia V CJ#042

Brainiac 5 R Unl#019
Brainiac 5 V Unl#021
Chameleon R Unl#037
Chameleon E Unl#038
Cosmic Boy E CJ#044
Cosmic Boy V CJ#045
Kid Quantum R Lg#031
Kid Quantum R Lg#032
Kid Quantum R Lg#033
Live Wire R CJ#046
Live Wire E CJ#047
Saturn Girl R CJ#049
Saturn Girl E CJ#050
Saturn Girl V CJ#051
Shadow Lass R CD#034
Shadow Lass V CD#036
Umbra E CD#035
Wildfire R Lg#043
Wildfire E Lg#044
Wildfire V Lg#045

Batman E Hy#107
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Batman (Vammpire) U CJ#095[/U][/COLOR][/B]
Nightwing V Hy#063
Ragman R CD#004
Robin R Ic#013
Robin E Ic#014
Robin V Hy#030
Huntress R Hy#025

[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Conner Kent LE Lg#210[/COLOR][/B]
Maxima V Unl#075
Steel R Hy#067
Supergirl V Unl#078
Superman R Hy#109
Superman E Hy#110
Superman V Ic#048
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Superman LE Hy#141[/COLOR][/B]

Jade E Lg#056
Sinestro R Lg#058

Blue Devil V CD#045
Circe R CJ#079
Enchantress R Lg#007
Doctor Fate V Unl#072
Obsidian V Lg#054
Ragman V CD#006
The Demon E Lg#050

Blockbuster R Lg#061
Deadshot E Unl#026
Deadshot V Unl#027
Enchantress E Lg#008
Enchantress V Lg#009
Killer Frost E Unl#047
Killer Frost V Unl#048
Vixen E CD#008

Arsenal V Lg#042
Katana R CD#019
Metamorpho E CD#059

[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Mr.Bones U Unl#092 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Sgt.Rock R CJ#019
Sgt.Rock E CJ#020
Sgt.Rock V CJ#021

Aquaman R Hy#052
Aquaman R Ic#025
Big Barda R Unl#058
Big Barda V Unl#060
Blue Beetle V Hy#057
Blue Devil R CD#043
Blue Devil E CD#044
Booster Gold R Hy#058
Captain Atom V Lg#072
Dove R Hy#088
Dove E Hy#089
Dr.Midnight R CD##022
Firestorm R CJ#067
Green Arrow R CJ#037
Hawk E Hy089
Hawkgirl R Unl#016
Hawkman E Hy#032
Jesse Quick R Unl#067
Nightwing E Hy#062
Obsidian E Lg#053
Plastic Man R Hy#100
Rocket Red R Unl#034
Rocket Red V Unl#036
Spoiler E Lg#002
Starman R CJ#064
Starman V CJ#066
Swamp Thing E Hy#116
Swamp Thing V Hy#117
Talia E Lg#011
Talia V Lg#012
Wonder Woman R Ic#031

[B][U]DC - Villains[/U][/B]

Azrael R CD#016
Bane R Hy#091
Bane R Hy#092
Black Mask R CD#010
Catwoman V Hy#039
Clayface III R Hy#082
Clayface III E Hy#083
Deadshot R Unl#025
Harley Quinn R #034
Harley Quinn E #035
Harley Quinn V #036
Joker R Hy#097
Joker V Hy#099
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Joker U Hy#126 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Lady Shiva R CJ#058
Man-Bat E Hy#041
Mr.Freeze V Lg#039
Penguin R CJ#022
Penguin E CJ#023
Penguin V CJ#024
Poison Ivy R CJ#031
Poison Ivy E CJ#032
Poison Ivy V CJ#033
Riddler E Hy#044
Riddler V Hy#045
Scarecrow R Unl#022
Scarecrow E Unl#023
Scarecrow V Unl#024
Scarecrow R Ic#007
Scarecrow E Ic#008
Scarecrow V Ic#009
The Joker R Lg#079
Two-Face R Unl#028
Two-Face E Unl#029
Two-Face V Unl#030

Circe CJ#080
Gorilla Grodd E Hy#071
Joker E IL#098
Queen Bee E CJ#056
Solomon Grundy E Hy#074
The Joker E Lg#080
Weather Wizard E Hy#080

Bizarro R Ic#034
Bizarro E Ic#035
Bizarro V Ic#036
Brainiac 13 R Hy#118
Doomsday R Hy#094
Maxima R Unl#073

Superwoman R Lg#044

Jinx R Lg#034
Jinx V Lg#036
Persuader R Lg#067
Persuader V Lg#069
Trickster E CD#014

Arcane R Hy#112
Arcane E Hy#113
Arcane V Hy#114
Blackfire R Ic#019
Blackfire E Ic#020
Blackfire V Ic#021
Cheetah V CJ#072
Cheshire R Unl#031
Cheshire V Unl#031
Darkseid R Ic#043
Darkseid E Ic#044
Deathstroke R CJ#073
Fatality R CJ#052
Fatality E CJ#053
Fury R CJ#028
Fury E CJ#029
Fury V CJ#030
Hyena R Lg#004
Hyena E Lg#005
Kobra R Unl#040
Kobra R Unl#041
Mad Hatter R Hy#046
Major Force E Lg#074
Manta R Hy#076
Manta V Hy#078
Queen Bee R Unl#055
Ra's al-Ghul R Lg#076
Ravager R Lg#022
Ravager E Lg#023
Shade E Unl#062
Sinestro E Lg#059
Sinestro V Lg#060
Solomon Grundy R Hy#073
Solomon Grundy V Hy#075
T.O.Morrow R Hy#049
T.O.Morrow E Hy#050
T.O.Morrow V Hy#051
Trickster R CD#013


Johnny Alpha R #019
Johnny Alpha E #020
Johnny Alpha V #021
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Judge Anderson U #091 [/U] [/COLOR][/B]
Judge Dredd R #070
Judge Dredd R #071
Judge Dredd R #072
Judge Fear R #118
Judge Fear E #119
Judge Fire R #112
Judge Fire V #114
Judge Hershey R #022
Judge Hershey E #023
Judge Hershey V #024
Judge Mortis E #116
Judge Mortis V #117
Nemesis E #110
Stix E #101
Torquemada V #108
Wulf Sternhammer E #103

[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Hecate U #088 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Hellboy R #067
Lobster Johnson R #034
Lobster Johnson E #035
Lobster Johnson V #036
Rasputin R #082
Rasputin E #083
Rasputin V #084

Bron E #056
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Samandahl Rey U #085 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Yukio R #061
Yukio E #062
Yukio V #063

Arashi R #031
Arashi E #032
Arashi V #033
Death Demon R #079
Death Demon E #080
Shi R #058
Shi E #059
Shi V #060
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Shi U #089 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Tomoe R #004
Tomoe E #004
Tomoe V #004
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Tomoe Gozan LE #202 [/COLOR] [/B]

Abbey Chase R #073
Abbey Chase E #074
Abbey Chase V #075
Natalia Kessle R #049
Natalia Kessle E #050
Natalia Kessle V #051
Sydney Savage R #016
Sydney Savage E #017
Sydney Savage V #018

Kabuki R #076
Kabuki E #077
Kabuki V #078
Scarab R #010
Scarab E #011
Scarab V #012
Tiger Lily R #013
Tiger Lily E #014
Tiger Lily V #015

Aphrodite IX R #025
Aphrodite IX E #026
Aphrodite IX V #027
Ian Nottingham R #043
Ian Nottingham E #044
Ian Nottingham V #043
Magdalena R #028
Magdalena E #029
Magdalena V #030
Witchblade R #064
Witchblade E #065
Witchblade V #066

Arwyn E #038
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Arwyn U #086 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Ashleigh R #001
Ashleigh E #002
Ashleigh V #003
Boon R #040
Boon E #041
Bron R #055
Major Maxim R #052
Major Maxim E #053
Major Maxim R #054
The Darkness R #064
The Darkness E #065
The Darkness V #066


Atlas E FF#017
Black Knight R FF#004
Black Widow E IC#056
Captain America R IC#067
Captain America E IC#068
Captain America E AW#080
Captain America V IC#069
Diamond Lil V AW#012
Firestar V MM#045
Hawkeye R FF#010
Hawkeye E FF#011
Hawkeye V FF#012
Hellcat R Ul#017
Hulk R IC#058
Iron Man R AW#076
Iron Man E Xp#077
Iron Man V Xp#078
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Iron Man U AW#88[/U][/COLOR] [/B]
Jolt R AW#034
Jolt E AW#035
Jolt V AW#036
Mach-1 R Si#40
Marrina R AW#034
Meteorite E CM#056
Meteorite V CM#057
Moonknight E CM#026
Northstar R #MM#067
Puck R MM#025
Puck E MM#026
Puck V MM#027
Quicksilver E IC#107
Sasquatch R MM#070
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Sentry U AW#91 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Sersi U CM#89 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Shaman R AW#049
Shaman E AW#050
Snowbird R MM#064
Songbird R FF#043
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Spider-Woman U AW#092 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Thor R CT#061
Tigra E FF#032
Yellowjacket R FF#019
Yellowjacket E FF#020
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Walter Langkowski LE MM#212 [/COLOR] [/B]
Wonder Man E MM#041

Captain America E Ul#065
Captain America V Ul#066
Black Widow V Ul#027
Hawkeye E Ul#035
Hawkeye V Ul#036

Black Widow E Ul#026
Hawkeye R Ul#034
Mockingbord R Si#16

Dagger V MM#051
Daredevil V #CM036
Firestar E MM#044
Paladin E AW#005
Sandman V CM#066
Silver Sable V MM#036
Spider-Man V Un#096
Spider-Man V MM#060
Spider-Man V CM#069

[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Crystal U AW#85[/U][/COLOR][/B]
Human Torch E CT#050
Human Torch V FF#072
Invisible Girl R CT#043
Invisible Woman V CT#045
Invisible Woman E FF#074
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Invisible Woman LE CM#221 [/COLOR] [/B]
Mr.Fantastic E CT#071
Mr.Fantastic E FF#80
Mr.Fantastic V FF#81
She-Hulk E CT#083
Spider-Man E MM#059
Thing R CT#046
Thing E CT#047
Thing E FF#077 x

Beast E Xp#056
Hulk E IC#059
Iceman E Xp#038
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Patsy Walker LE Ul#213[/COLOR][/B]
Sub-Mariner E FF#068

Archangel V CM#024
Banshee V AW#024
Beast R Xp#055
Beast V Xp#057
Bishop R MM#052
Bishop E MM#053
Blink R MM#055
Blink E MM#056
Blink V MM#057
Boom Boom E Xp#026
Cable R MM#073
Captain Britain E Ul#083
Cannonball E AW#044
Colossus R Xp#079
Colossus V Xp#081
Cyclops R IC#082
Cyclops E IC#083
Domino E MM#029
Domino V MM#030
Gambit R IC#010
Gambit E Un#053
Havok R MM#037
Havok V MM#039
Iceman V Xp#029
Jean Grey R Un#073
Jean Grey E IC#050
Jean Grey E Un#074
Karma V FF#037
Magick R CM#037
Magick E CM#038
Magma R AW#31
Magma V AW#33
Marrow E CM#020
Marrow V CM#021
Moonstar E FF#008
Meltdown V Xp#027
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Phoenix U Xp#095 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Polaris R MM#031
Polaris E MM#032
Polaris V MM#033
Professor Xavier R IC#076
Professor Xavier E IC#077
Professor Xavier V IC#078
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Professor Xavier U IC#145 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Psylocke E AW#056
Psylocke V Xp#060
Quicksilver V AW#054
Rogue E FF#056
Shadowcat R Si#37
Shadowcat E Si#38
Shadowcat E Xp#035
Shadowcat V Xp#036
Soldier X V MM#075
Storm R Xp#082
Storm V Xp#084
Thunderbird R AW#019
Warpath V AW#021
Wild Child V MM#021
Wolfsbane R IC#028
Wolfsbane E IC#029
Wolverine R MM#070
Wolverine E Un#098
Wolverine E IC#075

Beast E Ul#044
Beast V Ul#045
Colossus E Ul#075
Colossus V Ul#076
Cyclops R Ul#061
Dazzler E AW#062
Marvel Girl E Ul#077
Marvel Girl V Ul#078
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Professor Xavier U FF#094 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Storm E Ul#029
Storm V Ul#029
Wolverine E Ul047

Callisto R Ul#019
Callisto E Ul#020
Callisto V Ul#021

Avalanche V IC#033
Blob R CT#034
Cyclops E Ul#062
Destiny R Xp #022
Destiny E Xp #023
Destiny V Xp #024
Havok E MM#038
Juggernaut R IC#079
Magneto R IC#127
Mystique R Xp#028
Mystique E Xp#029
Mystique V Xp#030
Quicksilver R IC#106
Rogue R FF#095
Sabretooth E Ul#068
Sabretooth V Un#081
Scarlet Witch R IC#103
Scarlet Witch R FF#052
Toad R CT#037
Toad V CT#039
Thunderbird E AW#020
Wolverine R Ul#046


Archangel E CM#024
Aurora V AW#042
Banshee R AW#022
Black Cat R CT#022
Black Cat V CT#024
Black Panther E IC#086
Black Panther V IC#087
Black Widow R Ul#025
Blade R IC#025
Blade E IC#026
Blade R MM#022
Blade E MM#023
Beast R Ul#043
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Bishop of XSE LE MM#206 [/COLOR] [/B]
Boom-Boom R Xp#025
Boom-Boom R Un#031
Captain America R Ul#64
Captain Britain R Ul#082
Cloak R MM#046
Cloak E MM#047
Colossus R Ul#073
Corsair R CM#022
Corsair E CM#023
Corsair V CM#024
Dagger R MM#049
Daredevil R IC#097
Daredevil R Xp#061
Daredevil E Xp#062
Daredevil V Xp#063
Daredevil R CM#034
Daredevil E CM#035
Diamond Lil R A#010
Doc Samson R Xp#043
Doc Samson E Xp#044
Doc Samson V Xp#045
Domino R MM#028
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Dr.Bruce Banner LE MM#216[/COLOR][/B]
Dr.Strange R FF#058
Echo R AW#013
Elektra E IC#041
Elektra V IC#042
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown][U]*Elektra U IC#144[/U][/COLOR][/B]
Elektra R CM#031
Elektra E CM#032
Elektra V CM#033
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Fantomex U MM#087[/U][/COLOR][/B]
Firelord R IC#136
Firelord V IC#138
Firestar R MM#043
Ghost Rider R Ul#058
Ghost Rider V Ul#060
Hawkeye R IC#052
Hellcat E Ul#038
Hepzibah E CM#017
Hepzibah V CM#018
Hulk R MM#082
Hulk E MM#083
Hulk V IC#060
Hulk V MM#084
Iron Fist E FF#047
Lockjaw E FF#002
Lockjaw V FF#003
Logan E CT#069
Man-Thing R MM#061
Man-Thing E MM#061
Man-Thing V MM#061
Marrina V AW#036
Moon Knight R CM#025
Moon Knight V CM#027
Mr.Fantastcic R FF#079
Paladin R AW#004
Paladin V AW#006
Patch R CM#061
Patch V CM#063
Power Man FF#049
Punisher R Ul#052
Punisher E Ul#053
Quicksilver V UC#108
Scarlet Witch E IC#104
She-Hulk R IC#082
Silver Sable R MM#034
Silver Sable E MM#035
Spider-Man R IC#070
Spider-Man E IC#071
Spider-Man R CM#067
Spider-Man R MM#058
Spider-Man R Ul#040
Spider-Man E Ul#041
Sunfire R AW#022
Swordsman V Si#009
Storm R Ul#028
Thor E CT#062
Wasp R IC#034
Wild Child R MM#019
Wolverine R IC#013
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Wolverine U IC#149[/U][/COLOR][/B]
Wolverine R Un#097

[B][U]Marvel - Villainous Teams[/U][/B]

Absorbing Man E CM#083
Boomerang V IC#042
Constrictor E IC#038
Controller V IC#117
Fixer R Si#31
Goliath R FF#016
Kang E IC#131
Kang V IC#132
Mr.Hyde V IC#111
Moonstane R CM#055
Scorpion E Xp#047
Thunderball E AW#038
Ultron-5 R AW#082
Whirlwind V IC#096
Wonderman R #040
Wrecker E Ul#079
Yelowjacket E CT#026

Annihilus E IC#065
Annihilus V IC#066
Awesome Android R FF#013
Awesome Android E FF#014
Dr.Doom E CT#074
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Loki U MM#096[/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Puppet Master V IC#063
Ultron E IC#134
Ultron-11 E AW#083

[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Super Skrull U CT#090 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]

Boomerang E IC#041
Bullseye V IC#102
Calypso E CM#029
Calypso V CM#030
Doctor Octopus V Ul#072
Electro V Ul#057
Hobgoblin E Un#077
Hobgoblin V IC#054
Kingpin V IC#45
Kraven E CM#044
Mr.Hyde E IC#110
Mysterio R Ul#049
Mysterio R Ul#049
Mysterio R Ul#049
Nighthawk E Si#43
Rhino E CM#047
Whirlwind E IC#095

Viper R Xp#011
Viper E Xp#012
Viper V Xp#013

Anaconda R Ul#031
Anaconda E Ul#032
Anaconda V Ul#033
Asp E AW#026
Princess Python R Ul#016
Princess Python E Ul#017
Princess Python V Ul#018
Sidewinder R Ul#022
Sidewinder R Ul#024

Abomination R Xp#049
Abomination E Xp#050
Abomination V Xp#051
Absorbing Man R CM#082
Arclight R MM#016
Arclight R MM#017
Arclight R MM#018
Black Queen R CM#079
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Black Queen U MM#092 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Blastaar R CT#058
Blastaar E CT#059
Boomerang R IC#040
Bullseye E IC#101
Calypso R CM#028
Constrictor R IC#037
Controller R IC#115
Controller E IC#116
Crimson Dynamo E Xp#053
Crimson Dynamo AW#071
Deadpool R MM#076
Deadpool E MM#077
Deadpool V MM#078
Diablo R CM#064
Diablo R CM#065
Doctor Octopus R CT#076
Doctor Octopus R Ul#070
Doctor Octopus R Ul#071
Electro R Ul#055
Firebrand R AW#001
Ghost R AW#028
Ghost E AW#029
Harpoon R MM#010
Harpoon E MM#011
Harpoon V MM#012
Hobgoblin R IC#052
Jack-O-Lantern R Si#035
Juggernaut E FF#065
Kang R IC#130
Killer Shrike R AW#016
Killer Shrike E AW#017
Killer Shrike V AW#018
Kingpin R IC#043
Kingpin E IC#044
Kingpin E Un#068
Klaw R IC#112
Kraven R CM#043
Kraven V CM#045
Lorelei R AW#007
Lorelei E AW#008
Lorelei V AW#009
Lizard R Ul#013
Lizard E Ul#014
Lizard V Ul#015
Madame Masque R Xp#040
Madame Masque V Xp#042
Mandarin R Xp#073
Mandarin E Xp#074
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Morgan Le Fay U CM#90 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*N'astirh U MM#094 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Nebula R CM#052
Nebula E CM#053
Nebula V CM#054
Mole Man R CM#049
Paste Pot Pete R Si#013
Puppet Master R IC#061
Puppet Master E IC#062
Rhino R CM#046
Rhino V CM#048
Sabretooth R IC#055
Sabretooth R Ul#067
Sandman R CT#064
[B][COLOR=DimGray][U]*Sauron U Xp#091 [/U] [/COLOR] [/B]
Scorpion R Xp#046
Scorpion V Xp#048
Scourge R Ul#007
Scourge E Ul#008
Scourge V Ul#009
Skullbuster R MM#007
Skullbuster E MM#008
Skullbuster V MM#009
Selene E CM#080
Shocker R AW#028
Silver Samurai R Xp#067
Silver Samurai R Un#049
Silver Samurai E Xp#068
Silver Samurai E Un#050
Silver Samurai V Xp#069
Spymaster R AW#025
Spymaster E AW#026
Spymaster V AW#027
Tanaraq V MM#072
Titanium Man R AW#073
Titanium Man E AW#074
Thunderball R AW#037
Typhoid Mary R Xp#019
Typhoid Mary R Un#025
Typhoid Mary E Xp#020
Typhoid Mary V Xp#021
Ulik R CM#073
Ulik E CM#074
Ultron R IC#133
Umar E CM#077
Umar V CM#078
Vanisher R MM#004
[B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Wade Cole LE Ul#202 [/COLOR] [/B]
Wendigo R AW#046
Wendigo E AW#047
White Queen R CT#079
White Queen E CT#080
Wrecker R Ul#079
Wrecker V Ul#080
Yelowjacket R CT#025

[I][B]Heroclix Cards[/B][/I]

Armor Piercing DC Lg#F001
Automatic Regeneration MV MM#F001
Brilliant Tactician MV MM#F003
Damage Shield DC Lg#F002
Darkness Within DC Ic#IF009
Divebomb Ic#IF003 (sadly, bent)
Extended Range MV AW#F005
Haymaker MV MM#F003
Inspiring Command DC CD#F001
Lazarus Pit DC Lg#F006
Life Model Decoy MV AW#F002
Nova Blast MV FF#F004
Passenger MV MM#F004
Repulsor Shield MV AW#F010
Rip It Up MV MM#F006
Running Start DC CD#F006
Saboteur MV AW#F006
Shake Off MV FF#F002
Shellhead MV AW#F008
Sidekick DC Ic#IF004
Slippery DC Ic#IF002
Siphon Power DC Ic#IF007
Submerged DC Ic#F001
Swingline DC Ic#F001
Taunt MV MM#F007
The Society DC CD#F004
Trick Shot MV MM#F008
Unstoppable DC Ic#IF005
Unstoppable MV FF#F006

Assembled MV AW#BF004
Atlantis Rising MV FF#BF002
Bright Lights DC Lg#BF001
Crosswinds MV MM#BF003
Darkness MV MM#BF001
Disbanded MV FF#BF006
Earthquake MV MM#BF002
Inertial Interference Field MV AW#BF002 (sadly, bent)
Infiltration DC Ic#IBF001 (sadly, bent)
Low Gravity MV FF#BF003
Madness DC Ic#IBF002 (sadly, bent)
Ordinary Day DC Ic#IBF005
Ordinary Day MV MM#BF004
Overconfidence DC Lg#BF004
Poor Teamwork DC Lg#BF005
Power Dampening Field MV FF#BF005
Radiation Leak DC Lg#006
Rally DC Ic#IBF004
War Zone MV MM#BF005

Ben Urich MV MM#B002
Colleen Wing MV FF#B005
Doug Ramsey MV AW#B005
Dr.Jeremiah Arkham DC Lg#Boo5
Eddie Fyers DC CD#B002
Flash Thompson MV MM#B003
Frankling Richards MV MM#B004
Gwen Stacy MV MM#B005
Happy Hogan MV AW#B002
Harvey Bullock DC Lg#B004
Henry Peter Gyrich MV FF#B002
Justin Hammer DC Lg#B003
Kong MV MM#B006
Linda Park-West DC CD#B005
Lucius Fox DC Ic#B001
Maggie Sawyer DC Ic#B003
Misty Knight MV FF#B004
Moira Mactaggart MV FF#B001
Pepper Potts MV AW#B001
Professor Storm MV FF#B003
Renee Montoya DC Ic#B))%
Robbie Robertson MV MM#B007
Snapper Carr DC Ic#B004
Uncle Dudley DC CD#B005
Wyatt Wingfoot MV AW#B006


Power is not everything...